The professional training from the career path in the training course of geography teachers

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Cristina Mónica Monti


This article presents some advancements related to the research project called “La formación profesional de los profesores de Geografía de la Facultad de Humanidades de la UNNE. Su reconstrucción desde una perspectiva generacional a partir de sus historias de formación”, accredited by the General Secretary of Science and Technology (SGCyT, in Spanish) of the National University of Northeast (UNNE, in Spanish).

The aim of the work is to explore the perceptions different academic groups of the teacher-training course on Geography have about the current conditions of the profession. To begin with, the objective of this research is to unravel and characterize the defining aspects of the profession from the initial stages of training; the ones perceived as “adverse” as well as the factors, processes and dynamics displayed throughout the career.

The underlying assumption is that the professional training changes throughout the course and contributes to the professional field of Geography. The relevance of this work lies in the possibility to consider the professor a social and institutional actor in constant construction.

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How to Cite
Monti, C. M. (2022). The professional training from the career path in the training course of geography teachers. SENDEROS, (3), 77–89. Retrieved from

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