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María Alejandra Furno


This study is aimed at explaining the dynamic of communication in the digital environment for teaching purposes. To begin with, the process of digital communication was characterized, afterwards those characteristics were identified in the pedagogical instance selected for this study. The data were collected from a virtual classroom of English in 2020. This subject is part of the syllabus of the Teacher Training Course for Spanish Language. To carry out the analysis of these data, the classroom was considered a communicative event. The notions of Transmedia Storytelling, Journalism 2.0 and microsegmentación contributed to the interpretation and analysis of the selected data. In the process of analysis three aspects of digital communication were described: sender, message, and receiver. The description of these aspects allowed the analysis of the construction of a teacher identity, the creation of digital content and students interaction with that content. The results showed that there is a weak teacher identity construction and that the content promoted no interaction nor participation from students. Finally, no collaborative construction of content was observed.

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How to Cite
Furno, M. A. (2023). THE TEACHER ¿AN ONLINE TUTOR 2.0?. SENDEROS, (4), 25–33. Retrieved from